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    Giving Back

    PNM has been serving New Mexico since 1917. We are New Mexicans and New Mexico can trust us as reliable community partners. 

    As the state's largest investor-owned energy provider, we embrace the opportunity to be actively involved in the communities we serve. Our community support and involvement are broadly focused on the following areas:

    Checkout this news release where PNM shared its Pride for Pride as five New Mexico nonprofits receive $25,000

    Checkout this article in the Albuquerque Business First about the company devoting energy and money in the community.

    Supporting Education

    PNM supports organizations and educational programs that develop local talent and skills to drive current and future work force readiness.

    Community Investments

    PNM and the PNM Resources Foundation assist communities in New Mexico each year, contributing more than $3 million to nonprofit community organizations to sustain work within communities we serve.

    Community Crew Volunteers

    Thousands of New Mexicans across the state directly benefit from the efforts of PNM employee volunteers, who are collectively known as the PNM Community Crew. Every year, our employees log thousands of hours improving the communities we serve.

    PNM Resources Foundation also offers grants for nonprofit organizations based on PNM employee and PNM retiree participation and volunteerism. Learn more about Matching Grants and Volunteer Grants