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    Planning for the Future

    PNM is identifying the best way to build our power system for our customers as we transition to 100% carbon-free electricity. We are looking for the most cost-effective projects that will help us keep the lights on and use more renewable energy like solar and wind power. Our planning looks at everything from the power resources to the wires and poles needed to serve your homes and businesses over the next 20 years.

    The 20-year transmission planning outlook is being performed to identify conceptual transmission projects. We will prioritize the needs of our customers as we look at New Mexico's renewable potential and local and regional needs.

    PNM 20-year Transmission Planning Outlook | November 2024

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    PNM 20-year Transmission Planning Outlook | April 2024

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    The 20-year integrated resource plan looks at the most cost-effective power resources to meet our customers' energy needs while maintaining reliability, affordability, resiliency, and working towards a carbon-zero footprint.

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    PNM Integrated Resource Plan

    Stay tuned! Exciting updates on the 2026 IRP process ahead!


    Every three years, PNM files an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) with the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) that includes a four-year action plan and a look at energy needs over the next 20 years. Leading up to the publication of the IRP, a year-long process engages the public and other stakeholders in an ongoing dialog to solicit their views and build upon their expertise and experience.