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    PNM Tree Trimming Process

    PNM proactively trims trees and prioritizes its schedule to focus on the areas where reliability is most at risk. 

    • Once a line is selected for maintenance, the entire length of the line is checked for vegetation issues.
    • Work is performed using "directional pruning," which directs tree growth away from the power lines and protects the tree from decay.

    Work is performed by licensed contractors (Davey Tree Surgery) who are trained in safe vegetation management.

    If work is being conducted on customer property, the contractor will attempt to notify the property owner prior to the beginning of work. PNM does not clear tree limbs from the service drop (the line from the pole to your house). We will disconnect the service drop to allow for safe tree pruning by you or a private tree service.

    PNM adheres to Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) principles and ANSI 300 Tree Care Operations practices.  Other objectives include adherence to all regulatory and legal requirements, continuous environmental improvement, and adherence to ANSI Z133 worker safety practices.

    Learn how tree trimming is handled during storms and outages.