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Interconnection Benefits

New Mexico Interconnection Rule

The state of New Mexico has executed Rule 17.9.568 (PDF), otherwise known as Rule 568. The purpose of this rule is to set forth common interconnection requirements and a common interconnection process based on a common screening process for utilities and interconnection customers to expeditiously interconnect generating facilities.

Bi-Annual Interconnection Report

Twice annual interconnection report submitted to the PRC providing a categorization of application types and key metrics to demonstrate the efficiency of the Interconnection Process.

View Report

Net Metering Benefits (all PV customers)

The state of New Mexico has executed Rule 17.9.570 (PDF), otherwise known as Rule 570, which provides guidelines for metering qualifying facilities. When your solar system is producing electricity, your billing meter will slow down or may actually spin backwards. (A digital meter will show an arrow blinking left.) At the end of the month, PNM will take a reading and compare it to last months reading. If your solar system produced less than what you used, PNM will bill you for the NET difference. If you produced more than what you used, the NET overproduction will be credited to you in one of two ways:

  • SMALL PV PROGRAM (Inverter capacity of 10kW-AC or less): PNM will credit you the NET overproduction as a Cumulative Renewable Energy Credit (in kWh) on the next month¿s bill. These credits never expire and, if your system is large enough, can build up during the year and be used later to reduce PNM bills that are high due to things like summer air conditioning. When you close your account, PNM will pay you for any credits remaining on the account at Rate 12, which your can find on pnm.com/rates.
  • LARGE PV PROGRAM (More than 10kW-AC of inverter capacity): PNM will pay for that NET overproduction based on Rate 12 and the payment will be applied on the same bill. NET overproduction is paid each month unlike the cumulative credit in the Small PV Program. You can find Rate 12 on pnm.com/rates.
  • Interconnecting Non-Qualifying Facilities PNM will interconnect with facilities that generate power using less than 75 percent renewable fuels, referred to as "non-qualifying facilities," as long as those facilities comply with both New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (NMPRC) Rule 17.9.568 or 17.9.569 and PNM Interconnection and Safety Standards for Non-Qualifying Facilities (PDF). PNM is not required, however, to purchase energy from a non-qualifying facility. Energy purchase from a non-qualifying facility would be at PNM's discretion with terms and conditions, including metering options, negotiated case by case.

PNM Interconnection Queue Position

Per NMAC Rule 17.9.568, PNM shall maintain and publicly post a single queue of projects sortable by geographic region and shall update the list one time per month. The list shall be utilized to determine the cost responsibility for upgrades necessary to accommodate interconnection. Click one of the buttons below to view or download the list.

Please note, while not subject to NMAC Rule 17.9.568, additional applications to Interconnect are received by PNM. These projects are also placed in the PNM single queue for studies and cost determination. To view the projects in the SGIP queue, please visit the PNM public Oasis site, click Generation Interconnection-Transmission Delivery folder and Status of System Impact Studies sub-folder on the left hand side of the screen. These projects are added to the queue based on the date in the column "Appl Perfected".

List of Feeders

Queue Position Project Number Feeder
1 INT-48592 LD0318
2 INT-48593 SL0017
3 INT-48598 TULA13
4 INT-48597 GALL12
5 INT-47915 TOME11
6 INT-47917 VNBU41
7 INT-47938 ELCE11
8 INT-48247 SCEN11
9 INT-48284 SL0017
10 INT-48250 FIST11
11 INT-48281 ELCE11
12 INT-48248 VERA22
13 INT-48252 MANZ12
14 INT-48251 JARA11
15 INT-47918 HOND11
16 INT-47919 COLI11
17 INT-47920 LD0318
18 INT-47943 HERM14
19 INT-47947 HOND11
20 INT-47949 HERM11
21 INT-48788 TULA14
22 INT-48786 TULA14
23 INT-48789 TULA12
24 INT-48787 TULA13
25 INT-48791 ELCE11
26 INT-49119 A10089
27 INT-48280 HOND11
28 INT-52032 WINR13
29 INT-52197 WINR13
30 INT-52720 PECO12
31 INT-50930 COLL12
32 INT-50327 A10089
33 INT-52278 PRAG14
34 INT-53036 BLRA14
35 INT-54618 BLRA11
36 INT-54625 VERA24
37 INT-54444 WYOM11
38 INT-54752 SNVI11
39 INT-54921 IRIS13
40 INT-54165 LAMO11
41 INT-55011 PROG13
42 INT-55027 SCEN12
43 INT-55000 ZAMO12
44 INT-54747 RIHO13
45 INT-54429 RIHO13
46 INT-54881 A10012
47 INT-54971 PROG11
48 INT-54842 BLRA14
49 INT-55109 TOME12
50 INT-55045 TOME12
51 INT-55064 TOME12
52 INT-54795 IRIS14
53 INT-54632 PECO11
54 INT-55113 PROG13
55 INT-55125 COLI11
56 INT-54666 ENHI14
57 INT-55023 TOME12
58 INT-54817 VERA24
59 INT-50403 PRJE14
60 INT-54845 ASPE14
61 INT-54862 BLRA14
62 INT-54679 SNVI11
63 INT-55067 PRJE11
64 INT-55191 PROG13
65 INT-55154 LAMO11
66 INT-54989 A10083
67 INT-55009 PROG13
68 INT-55185 LAMO11
69 INT-55182 ELCE11
70 INT-55087 TOME12
71 INT-55222 TOME12
72 INT-54691 VOLC14
73 INT-54962 SOPA11
74 INT-55031 PROG13
75 INT-55187 SCEN12
76 INT-55264 PECO11
77 INT-55227 SCEN12
78 INT-55250 TOME12
79 INT-55184 BLRA14
80 INT-55107 ZAMO12
81 INT-55267 SOCO12
82 INT-55310 TOME12
83 INT-55190 SOCO12
84 INT-55183 PROG13
85 INT-54185 RIHO13
86 INT-54915 PROG11
87 INT-55301 PROG13
88 INT-55276 PROG13
89 INT-55300 HAMI14
90 INT-55291 PROG13
91 INT-55359 PECO11
92 INT-54341 RIHO13
93 INT-55025 MANZ13
94 INT-55228 PROG13
95 INT-55394 PROG13
96 INT-55401 PROG13
97 INT-55047 PROG13
98 INT-55144 SOCO12
99 INT-55139 SOCO12
100 INT-55194 IRIS13
101 INT-55208 PROG13
102 INT-54895 RIHO13
103 INT-55268 COLI11
104 INT-55320 SOCO12
105 INT-55095 FOHI14
106 INT-55112 PROG13
107 INT-54958 PROG11
108 INT-55238 PROG13
109 INT-54084 INNO12
110 INT-55396 IRIS12
111 INT-55373 PROG11
112 INT-55441 IRIS13
113 INT-55435 IRIS13
114 INT-55200 SCEN12
115 INT-55274 RIHO13
116 INT-55312 FOMA13
117 INT-55404 SCEN12
118 INT-55391 SOCO12
119 INT-55166 PROG13
120 INT-55442 IRIS13
121 INT-55452 TOME12
122 INT-55273 HALO14
123 INT-55119 SOCO14
124 INT-55219 RIHO13
125 INT-54797 MANZ12
126 INT-55448 ENHI14
127 INT-55091 PROG13
128 INT-55108 PROG13
129 INT-55325 RIHO13
130 INT-55311 SNAN21
131 INT-55329 SNVI12
132 INT-52478 ENHI14
133 INT-55342 A10083
134 INT-55212 ELCE11
135 INT-40711 SCEN12
136 INT-54995 PALM11
137 INT-55490 TOME12
138 INT-55146 PROG11
139 INT-55567 PROG13
140 INT-55462 IRIS13
141 INT-55081 TOME12
142 INT-55246 SOCO12
143 INT-55350 PROG13
144 INT-55502 BLRA11
145 INT-55577 ELCE11
146 INT-54614 A10001
147 INT-55480 IRIS13
148 INT-55555 VERA21
149 INT-55438 COLI11
150 INT-54649 PAHI13
151 INT-54996 GOLD11
152 INT-55353 SNVI12
153 INT-54792 STCE12
154 INT-55445 PRAG12
155 INT-55324 VERA22
156 INT-55370 PROG13
157 INT-55423 PROG13
158 INT-55218 TOME12
159 INT-55380 TOME12
160 INT-54771 INHO14
161 INT-55561 IRIS13
162 INT-55596 AVIL11
163 INT-55520 TOME12
164 INT-55630 TOME12
165 INT-55585 PROG13
166 INT-55455 BLRA14
167 INT-55446 SOCO12
168 INT-55429 VOLC23
169 INT-55422 LAMO11
170 INT-55197 SNAN22
171 INT-54908 LSCH12
172 INT-55469 SOCO12
173 INT-55365 HAMI21
174 INT-55321 SNAN22
175 INT-54729 VERA24
176 INT-55110 SNVI13
177 INT-55629 SCEN12
178 INT-55256 COLI11
179 INT-54722 SOPA13
180 INT-54858 MANZ13
181 INT-53526 CENT12
182 INT-55211 MILU14
183 INT-55364 PROG13
184 INT-55471 IRIS12
185 INT-55158 RODE12
186 INT-54566 MARI13
187 INT-55334 PROG13
188 INT-54928 LSMO22
189 INT-55532 PROG11
190 INT-55546 HAMI14
191 INT-55433 PALM11
192 INT-55453 SOCO12
193 INT-55319 SCEN12
194 INT-55427 VERA24
195 INT-55181 LSCH11
196 INT-55341 ZAMO12
197 INT-55465 PROG13
198 INT-55653 TOME12
199 INT-55647 MEJI14
200 INT-55648 COLI13
201 INT-55677 IRIS14
202 INT-55337 TRUM14
203 INT-55613 PROG13
204 INT-55570 RITA13
205 INT-55641 HAMI21
206 INT-55552 VERA23
207 INT-55126 PALM12
208 INT-55374 A10089
209 INT-55155 TIJE12
210 INT-55180 LSCH11
211 INT-55141 TRAM13
212 INT-35621 SCEN12
213 INT-55638 LAMO11
214 INT-55667 CENT12
215 INT-55639 UNSE12
216 INT-55682 WAYN24
217 INT-55660 BLRA11
218 INT-55686 LSCH11
219 INT-55488 GALL11
220 INT-55713 MISS24
221 INT-55599 PALM11
222 INT-55602 IRIS14
223 INT-55636 SOCO13
224 INT-55582 LAMO11
225 INT-55400 PROG13
226 INT-55076 JUTA11
227 INT-55706 HALO11
228 INT-55655 FOMA13
229 INT-55411 ORTI12
230 INT-55529 SCEN12
231 INT-55039 MD0012
232 INT-55316 SNAN22
233 INT-54087 COLI13
234 INT-55545 BLRA11
235 INT-55726 EMBU12
236 INT-55270 MD0012
237 INT-55486 NS1061
238 INT-55521 UNSE11
239 INT-55426 UNSE12
240 INT-55746 EAST12
241 INT-55621 ENHI12
242 INT-55588 JARA11
243 INT-55417 SOCO12
244 INT-55414 ZAFA13
245 INT-55695 IRIS13
246 INT-55696 LSMO22
247 INT-55714 COTT24
248 INT-55732 LEYE14
249 INT-55758 PANO12
250 INT-55700 FIST13
251 INT-55421 ENHI12
252 INT-55618 FIST11
253 INT-55560 STCE12
254 INT-55771 A10001
255 INT-55753 WYOM14
256 INT-54013 PALM12
257 INT-55348 SNVI13
258 INT-55478 COLI13
259 INT-55703 CORN14
260 INT-54840 COBL12
261 INT-55722 BLRA13
262 INT-55533 RODE13