EXTREME WEATHER: Extended weather-related outages are possible through Tuesday, April 1, when severe winds throughout New Mexico are expected to peak. Please prepare for possible weather-related outages and if you see a downed powerline treat it as if it is energized and stay away. Call 911 to report any downed powerlines.
If you are experiencing a power outage, report it at PNM.com/outage.
With elevated fire risk in areas around New Mexico, PNM may adjust its system based on current conditions to be more sensitive to any contact between its powerlines and tree branches or other debris. In this case devices on the system would automatically de-energize lines when this contact occurs, until a PNM crew is able to inspect the line for damage and make any needed repairs.
Visit PNM.com/storm-safety for tips to stay safe.
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Adding a hot tub, building an addition or a brand new home? Apply online to upgrade your electric service or get service for new construction. You can also request access to PNM equipment, request a meter spot appointment and request a ballpark estimate. The Electric Service Guide drawings and specifications are available here, too.
Stay informed. Set up and manage Outage Alerts, Payment Reminders and Budget Billing Notifications online. Choose to receive messages by text, email or automated phone call.