Developer Information - pnmprod
Generation Interconnection Services
Generation Interconnection is a multi-step process regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). PNM strives to collaborate with our stakeholders to facilitate the interconnection of your project to our system in a successful manner.
Qualifying Facilities are regulated by the State of New Mexico Public Regulatory Commission (NMPRC). For more information, please visit the Interconnection Process page.

Solar Energy Battery Storage
Submitting an Interconnection Request
Please select the appropriate tab above which will guide you through the process and provide answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP)
Within the SGIP there are three separate sub-processes that an Interconnection Customer may select from: Informal Request, Pre-Application Report (PAR) Request, and Small Generator Interconnection Request (SGIR).
In order to gain in-depth information regarding any potential interconnection sites, PNM recommends Interconnection Customers begin the SGIP process by submitting an Informal Request.
Depending on the results of the Informal Request, the customer may decide to submit a Pre-Application Report (PAR) Request. Based on the results of the PAR, the customer may decide to apply for interconnection via an SGIR Application.
Following this sequence ensures customers have the deepest understanding of the potential facility site and associated electrical system information prior to submitting the SGIR Application. This reduces the likelihood of issues arising with the project and helps prevent unnecessary delays.
Below is specific information about each process.
Informal Request
Want to ensure your potential land parcel falls within PNM Service Territory?
Is your potential site on a feeder with ample hosting capacity?
An Informal Request will provide those answers.
Please login to PowerClerk, PNM's FERC Interconnection Application portal and complete the New Informal Request for Small Generator Interconnection (20MW and less).
PNM will evaluate your request and provide the requested information. There is no charge for this request.
*Please note the Informal Request is an optional step in the Small Generator Interconnection Process (SGIP). It is non-binding, does not confer any rights and if interested in proceeding with interconnecting, the customer must still apply for interconnection to PNM's system.
Pre-Application Report (PAR) Request for Small Generator Interconnection
In addition to the Informal Request, an Interconnection Customer may also choose to submit a request for a Pre-Application Report (PAR) which provides significantly more electric system information than the Informal Request.
The PAR was developed in accordance with PNM's OATT SGIP, Section 1.2.3 and contains pertinent details such as total capacity at the point of interconnection, existing aggregate generating capacity, available capacity at the station, and the existence of known interconnection constraints on the proposed interconnection.
Please login to PowerClerk, PNM's FERC Interconnection Application portal and complete the Pre-Application Report Request for Small Generator Interconnection (20MW and less)
There is a $300 charge for the Pre-Application Report.
PNM will evaluate your request and provide a report within 20 Business Days of receipt of the completed request form and payment of the fee.
*Please note, like the Informal Request, the Pre-Application Report is an optional step in the Small Generator Interconnection Process (SGIP). It is non-binding, does not confer any rights and if interested in proceeding with interconnecting, the customer must still apply for interconnection to PNM's system.
Small Generator Interconnection Request (SGIR) Application
An Interconnection Customer wanting to pursue interconnection to PNM's system, is required to submit an Interconnection Request to PNM via PowerClerk with the appropriate processing fee or deposit specified in the Interconnection Request.
The items below are all requirements which must be submitted by the customer via PowerClerk for the application to be considered complete. Ensuring all the of the items are included in the submittal of the SGIR Application will help make the application review process more efficient.
- Completed application form with accurate technical data, in-service dates and signatures
- Processing fee wire confirmation
- Site control documentation
- Inverter specification sheets
- Site diagram
- NMPE stamped, one-line diagram with system detail that matches the application form
PNM will contact the Interconnection Customer within three Business Days to confirm receipt of the Request and within ten Business Days of receipt to let the Interconnection Customer know if the application is complete.
If you are unfamiliar with the PNM SGIP, we recommend reviewing the Small Generation Interconnection Procedures-Attachment M in PNM's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) which provides detailed information on how to initiate a Small Generation Interconnection Request. Here's a link to PNM's OASIS where you can find the OATT (under the Tariff file folder):
Steps in the Small Generator Interconnection Process
Below are the steps you will go through when making a Small Generator Interconnection Request.
1 |
ApplicationTo connect a facility to PNM's system, an Interconnection Customer must fill out and submit an Interconnection Request through PowerClerk. The Interconnection Request should include the relevant processing fee or deposit as specified in the request form as well as supporting documentation. |
2 |
Scoping MeetingIf the Interconnection Request meets the requirements, a Scoping Meeting may take place within ten Business Days. The Scoping Meeting is an opportunity to discuss the Request and examine existing relevant studies. The parties can agree to skip the Scoping Meeting if they wish and proceed to the System Impact Study Agreement. |
3 |
System Impact Study AgreementThe process requires a System Impact Study Agreement, which PNM will draft and send to the Interconnection Customer within five days of the Scoping Meeting. The Interconnection Customer must sign and return the agreement with a deposit within 30 Business Days to continue in the process. |
4 |
System Impact StudyThe Small Generating Facility's interconnection with the electrical system may have some effects on the system. To assess these effects, PNM will conduct a System Impact Study within 30 Business Days after receiving a signed System Impact Study Agreement from the Interconnection Customer. The study will reveal any issues or requirements for the interconnection. A System Impact Study Report will be sent to the Interconnection Customer within five days of finishing the study. The report will also include a non-binding, good faith estimate of the project's construction cost. |
5 |
Interconnection AgreementThe Interconnection Customer may proceed to the Interconnection Agreement stage after the System Impact Study is complete. PNM will send the Interconnection Agreement to the Interconnection Customer, who must sign and return it within 30 Business Days. |
Large Generator Interconnection Procedure (LGIP) Process
Generator Interconnection in excess of 20 MW is subject to the Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) which are in the PNM Open Access Tariff (OATT) and regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The end goal of the process is an executed Large Generator Interconnection Agreement.
Steps in the Large Generator Interconnection Process
Below are the steps you will go through when making a Large Generator Interconnection Request.
1 |
Interconnection RequestInterconnection Customers must submit an Interconnection Request which is Appendix 1 in the OATT. Please email the Interconnection Request Form to as well as the deposit and any required Site Control documents. PNM will acknowledge receipt of the Interconnection Request within five Business Days and notify you if it is incomplete or there are any deficiencies. Within ten Business Days after receipt of a valid Interconnection Request, PNM will schedule a Scoping Meeting. |
2 |
Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study AgreementPNM will provide the Interconnection Customer a Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study (DISIS) Agreement (Appendix 3 of the LGIP) for execution. The Interconnection Customer is required to sign and return the executed DISIS Agreement to PNM no later than 30 Calendar Days following its receipt as well as any required technical information and additional security. |
3 |
Definitive Interconnection System Impact StudyThe Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study (DISIS) evaluates the impact of the proposed interconnection to the reliability of the Transmission System. It includes a short circuit analysis, stability analysis, and power flow analysis as well as a good faith cost estimate and estimated time to construct. Also provided in the report are the Interconnection Facilities and Network Upgrades which may be necessary for the project. PNM will make reasonable efforts to complete the DISIS within 150 Calendar Days. |
4 |
Interconnection Facilities Study AgreementPNM will provide the Interconnection Customer an Interconnection Facilities Study Agreement (Appendix 4 of the LGIP). The Interconnection Customer is required to execute the agreement and submit any necessary payment within 30 Calendar Days of receipt. |
5 |
Interconnection Facilities StudyThe Facilities Study will provide an estimate of the cost of the equipment, engineering, procurement and construction work needed to connect your project to PNM's Transmission System. PNM will make reasonable efforts to complete the DISIS within 150 Calendar Days. Upon completion, the Interconnection Customer will receive a Final Interconnection Facilities Study Report. |
6 |
Large Generator Interconnection AgreementAfter issuance of the Final Interconnection Facilities Study Report, PNM will provide a draft of the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA) (Appendix 6 of the LGIA). Upon full execution, the Interconnection Customer has the option to provide PNM Notice to Proceed for the project. If you are unfamiliar with PNM's LGIP, we recommend reviewing the Large Generation Interconnection Procedures-Attachment N in PNM's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) which provides detailed information on how to initiate a Large Generator Interconnection Request. Here's a link to PNM's OASIS where you can find the OATT (under the Tariff file folder): |
Reference Material
All of the Forms and Reference Material Listed below can be found in PNM's Tariff.
Small Generator
For convenience, the Small Generator Interconnection Procedures and Attachments are available in a downloadable document.
- Attachment M, Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGIP)
- Attachment M-1, Small Generator Interconnection Agreement (SGIA)
- Attachment 1, Glossary of Terms
- Attachment 2, Description and Costs of the Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facility, and Metering Equipment
- Attachment 3, One-line Diagram Depicting Small Generating Facility, Interconnection Facilities, Metering Equipment, and Upgrades
- Attachment 4, Milestones
- Attachment 5, Additional Operating Requirements for the Transmission Provider's Transmission System and Affected Systems Needed to Support The Interconnection Customer's Needs
- Attachment 6, Transmission Provider's Description of its Upgrades and Best Estimate of Upgrade Costs
- Attachment M-2, SGIP Flowcharts
Large Generator
For convenience, the Large Generator Interconnection Procedures and Attachments are available in a downloadable document.
- Attachment N, Large Generator Interconnection Procedures (LGIP) & Agreement (LGIA)
- Appendix 1, Interconnection Request for Large Generating Facility
- Appendix 2, Preliminary Interconnection System Impact Study Agreement
- Appendix 3, Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study Agreement
- Appendix 4, Interconnection Facilities Study Agreement
- Appendix 6, Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement
- Appendix G to LGIA, Interconnection Requirements for a Wind Generation Plant
Small Generator Interconnection Procedures
Is there a pre-app for LGIA projects in PowerClerk?
There is no pre-application for LGIAs. The Pre-App is only available for the SGIP.
Can we interconnect a project greater than 20MW to the distribution system?
Projects more than 20 MW need to connect to the Bulk Electric System (115kV and above) which is governed by the Large Generator Interconnection Process (LGIP).
Can you provide a PNM approved equipment or inverter list?
PNM does not have an inverter list or approved equipment list.
How can I find out the status of my SGIP Project?
PNM posts monthly status updates on PNM's OASIS page of all Interconnection Requests and studies. Please go to then navigate to the folder Generation Interconnection-Transmission Delivery/Status of System Impact Studies/Interconnection Matrix
What is the SGIA fee used for?
The processing fee/deposit is used to pay for initial review of the Interconnection Request, technical review and development of the study cost estimate, legal review, and any additional coordination efforts related to providing responses to questions that have come up during the process.
Large Generator Interconnection Procedures
Is there an upper limit on the size of project that can be submitted via the Large Generator Interconnection Application?
There is not a cap on the maximum size of a project.
How do I fill out an Informal Request for the LGIP?
There is no "Informal Request" or "Pre-Application" for the Large Generator Interconnection Process. It is only offered for the Small Generator Interconnection Process.
Can storage be added or removed during the interconnection process other than through the Material Modification Process?
Currently the only process PNM has is through a Material Modification Request (MMR). PNM will evaluate the request and determine if the changes constitute a Material Modification.
Does PNM have acreage requirements based on the technology type for Site Control?
Yes, the following are the PNM Site Control Guidelines: 0.05 acre per MW for battery storage, five acres per MW for solar, and fifty acres per MW for wind projects.
How can I get an update on the study status of my LGIA project?
PNM posts monthly status updates on PNM's OASIS page of all Interconnection Requests and studies. Please go to then navigate to the folder Generation Interconnection-Transmission Delivery/Status of System Impact Studies/Interconnection Matrix
FERC Order 2023
Have you already filed an interconnection reform due to FERC Order 2023? If not, when do you expect to file?
PNM completed its compliance filing on May 15, 2024.
What is the FERC Order 2023 impacts on projects already in the queue? Will the interconnection study deposit increase for the project to remain in the queue?
PNM recently submitted to FERC its Initial Compliance Filing & Amended Compliance Filing (see Docket No. ER24-1393- for additional details) related to FERC Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A and requested an effective date for the proposed Tariff revisions no later of September 3, 2024, or thirty (30) calendar days after the FERC Order approving both the Initial Compliance Filing and the Amended Compliance Filing. However, before PNM can successfully adopt the requirements in Order Nos. 2023 and 2023-A, PNM must perform a Transitional Cluster Study with the existing backlog of Interconnection Customers with (1) an assigned Queue Position as of thirty (30) Calendar Days after March 1, 2024 (the initial filing date of PNM's Initial Compliance Filing) and (2) who have not received a final Facilities Study Report within sixty (60) Calendar Days of the Commission-approved effective date of the compliance filing. If approved by FERC, those Interconnection Customers that meet the requirements described above will have the option of either participating in the Transitional Cluster Study utilizing the transitional cluster process defined in FERC Order No. 2023 or have the option of withdrawing and reapplying in a future cluster annual cycle. PNM is attempting to clear out its existing interconnection queue backlog before fully transitioning to the standards required by FERC Order No. 2023 and 2023-A. In the interim, PNM will continue processing existing studies under the current tariff and will provide additional guidance to all Interconnection Customers after FERC approves PNM's compliance filing.
When will your next Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study (DISIS) Queue Cluster Window open?
Pursuant to PNM's Large Generation Interconnection Procedures, PNM's next Definitive Interconnection System Impact Study ("DISIS") Queue Cluster Window will open for Application submittal beginning on December 24, 2024, and extend through March 24, 2025. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") published Order No. 2023 "Improvements to Generator Interconnection Procedures and Agreements," which requires Transmission Providers to submit compliance filings that modify their interconnection procedures on or before April 3, 2024. Therefore, PNM's next DISIS, Queue Cluster Window for the above dates are subject to change. Should you have any questions regarding the cluster process you may email them to
Hybrid Projects (Solar PV + Battery Storage)
When studying hybrid projects, are the MWs from PV and storage counted as a sum total?
PNM allows for both in the interconnection process by determining the maximum coincident injection at the Point of Interconnection.
Would a technology change of the battery (from Li-ion to Zinc-air) require restudy?
A Material Modification Request will have to be submitted and PNM will conduct an analysis to determine if the changes result in a Material Modification.
Can we switch between a DC and AC coupled hybrid at any point in the study process?
Yes. It would be treated as a Material Modification Request.
Does PNM differentiate between hybrid (generator + storage operated together) and co-located (generator + storage operated independently) resources, either in the interconnection process or operationally? If so, in what way(s)?
PNM allows for both in the interconnection process by determining the maximum coincident injection at the Point of Interconnection the Interconnection Customer is requesting. Prior to operation, charging from the grid is arranged through a Request for Transmission Service by the Interconnection Customer.
Co-located projects (Two separate IRs, solar IR and battery storage IR)
How are Material Modifications to the Interconnection Request handled for storage facilities co-located with a generator (in this case, PV)?
A Material Modification Request will have to be submitted and PNM will run an analysis to determine if the changes result in a Material Modification.
Would elimination of the battery altogether require restudy?
A Material Modification Request will have to be submitted and PNM will conduct an analysis to determine if the changes result in a Material Modification.
Would addition of a battery later (in another cluster) to a solar-only site require restudy?
Once a Material Modification Request is submitted an analysis will be made to determine if a restudy is required.
Can the two resources share the POI and any of the facilities behind that Point of Interconnection?
Yes, the two resources can share a POI and any other facilities behind the Point of Interconnection.
What forms of Security does PNM accept?
The form of Security must be acceptable to PNM and may be one of the following:
- Cash
- An unconditional and irrevocable standby letter of credit from a federal or state chartered financial institution, which meets the requirements and specifications of, and is in a format acceptable to, PNM
- An escrow account with a federal or state chartered financial institution doing business in the State of New Mexico, which shall expressly list PNM as "beneficiary" on the account. Transmission Customer shall be entitled to retain any interest paid on the principal balance in such escrow account
- A parental guarantee if the parent company meets the standards of these Creditworthiness Procedures
For detailed information please refer to Attachment L in PNM's OATT.
Can we do a Parental Guaranty instead of an LC or cash?
Per LGIA/Article 11.5 Provision of Security, at Interconnection Customer's option can provide either a guarantee, surety bond, letter of credit or other form of security (i.e. cash) to meet the LGIA security requirements. Guarantee would have to meet credit requirements consistent with PNM OATT Attachment L - Creditworthiness Procedures.
Will you provide the wiring instructions for Interconnection Application Deposits?
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank
ABA # : 121000248
Address: 200 Lomas Blvd NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Contact: Benita Patt
Phone: (713) 319-1323
Account Name: PNM Misc Depository
Account No.: 651-100-3698
Please include details of payment purpose
Study Deposits
The LGIA states the Interconnection Customer will receive a monthly invoice for Phase Two study work and shall pay the requested amount. Will you please provide details?
PNM utilizes the Study Deposit provided to perform the Facilities Study. PNM only charges actual costs against the deposit and any remaining funds will be refunded upon conclusion of the study process.
Is charging studied in the interconnection process or is there a separate charging study, such as a load study? If charging is studied separately, what is the cost, timeline, and process for initiating the study?
Charging is reviewed in the Interconnection Study to determine any observed constraints which tie to system limitations. While not completely conclusive, it is a cursory review. Charging off the grid is addressed by a Transmission Service Request on OASIS.
Will the meters be owned by the Interconnection Customers or PNM?
Per Article 7.1 of the pro-forma LGIA "Interconnection Customer shall bear all reasonable documented costs associated with the purchase, installation, operation, testing and maintenance of the Metering Equipment." The Interconnection Customer will own the meters.
Will the Interconnection Customer be responsible for providing meter data to PNM?
Article 7.5/LGIA "Metering Data. At Interconnection Customer's expense, the metered data shall be telemetered to one or more locations designated by Transmission Provider and one or more locations designated by Interconnection Customer. Such telemetered data shall be used, under normal operating conditions, as the official measurement of the amount of energy delivered from the Large Generating Facility to the Point of Interconnection."
Will PNM construct the gen-tie line for us?
No, it is the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to construct a gen tie up to PNM's pole.
Does PNM have a Commissioning Handbook?
PNM does not have a Commissioning Handbook. Details on requirements for commissioning of the resource will be discussed after notice to proceed.