Joint Use Cell
Site Check List

Items requested from cell site licensee during application process:

  • completed contact sheet
  • contract exhibits (whichever applies): - "Exhibit A" ¿ facilities lease - "Exhibit B" ¿ pole attachment application
  • application fee
  • NJUNS's pole attachment submittal to PNM
  • site walk invitation
  • structural analysis on PNM transmission / distribution structures
  • Drawings (items reviewed by PNM to include): - company name - clearances - general configuration - structural attachment - PE review stamp - location: structure number and address - conduit number and placement - electric service source and PNM NSD representative - ground equipment layout and square footage requirements - fence, gates, door references - easements - reference to IEEE Standard 487 (Grounding Requirements in High Voltage Situations) - Qwest Standard 77321 (Verification of Sufficient Isolation Requirements) - RF data
  • upon completion of project, as-built drawings submitted to PNM (electronic version)

Services provided to cell site licensee from PNM during application process:

  • Engineering review of drawing submittals to ensure lessee designs attachments in a professional and technically acceptable manner; PNM's review does not in any way constitute approval of engineering design. Lessee is totally responsible for design.
  • preparation of zoning letter to governing authority
  • access coordination of proposed cell site locations, including*: - transmission structure access for structural analysis information acquisition - substation access for environmental reviews and/or other information gathering
  • National Joint Utilities Notification ID and assistance with initial application submittal to PNM

    *Additional fee required since locations require PNM journeyman remain present at site