Assistance Fair - pnmprod

What is the Assistance Fair?
Albuquerque High School
Saturday, November 2, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
800 Odelia Rd NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Join us at the Community Assistance Fair to discover a wealth of resources and services tailored for those on a low or fixed income.
PNM's Albuquerque Community Assistance Fair is a free, family-friendly event to help our limited-income community know about various resources available to meet basic & emergency needs. At the heart of the event, the PNM Good Neighbor Fund will help customers pay their electric utility bills and will be joined by the New Mexico Gas Company, Comcast/Xfinity, and the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority will also provide utility bill assistance on-site for eligible attendees.
On-Site Utility Assistance

PNM hosts this annual event with more than 35 different agencies and organizations to offer informative community assistance resources available to limited-income individuals and families in the Albuquerque area.
Local community providers will be on hand to provide information and answer your questions about:
Financial Assistance
Family and Children
and more!
What to bring?

A disconnect notice
Your PNM bill must be at risk of disconnection to receive financial assistance from the PNM Good Neighbor Fund. Have a copy of your paper PNM bill or your paperless PNM bill. You may show a copy of your paperless bill from your phone when receiving help in person.

Proof of LIHEAP or SNAP
We will accept proof of approval letters from either of two programs - the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). These programs are administered by the New Mexico Human Services Department, and they offer financial assistance to eligible households.

Proof of identification
Valid identification is required for all household members and children, including the PNM account holder named on the PNM bill. For adults, IDs such as a driver's license, state ID, alien registration card, or passport, etc. For children, we can accept a school ID, insurance card, social security card, or insurance card, as an alternative.

Proof of household income
Proof of income for all adults living in the household, including the PNM account holder named on the bill - we will accept pay stubs or bank account statements dated within 60 days of applying for assistance. We can also accept Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or a Social Security Statement. If you do not have income, we need to see an unemployment document or proof of SNAP/food benefits.

What is the Good Neighbor Fund?
The PNM Good Neighbor Fund is an emergency fund that helps low-income customers in our service area with energy assistance when they are at risk of being disconnected once per calendar year. Donations from generous PNM customers, employees, and shareholders fund this program.