Emergency Service Connections

Statement of Fact Form for Emergency Service Connections

Due to relocation of certain PNM operations and for security reasons, we no longer offer after-hours access to the PNM Electric Service Center and PNM Dispatch Department for electricians serving the Albuquerque area. If you have a need for emergency connections and reconnections, you will need to submit a Statement of Facts / waiver as detailed below. THIS FORM IS FOR USE IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY.

  • We will only accept after-hours Statement of Facts when immediate action is imperative to safeguard life, health or property.
  • The form must be filled out completely and signed by the licensed electrician responsible for the work.
  • The person making the installation or performing the work must apply for an electrical permit from the jurisdictional building official no later than the next business day.
  • Download the Statement of Fact form. This form must be submitted with a copy of the installer's Driver's License and New Mexico Electrical Journeyman's license. These documents can be faxed to 505-241-3636
    or emailed to zz-ElectricDispatch@pnmresources.com.