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    Landlord Standby Program

    Landlord Standby is a contractual agreement between PNM and a landlord.

    Under the agreement, when a tenant moves out of a rental property and requests that service be taken out of his or her name, PNM will:

    • Provide a final bill to the tenant.
    • Continue to provide service under the landlord's name.


    • Service will remain on, even when the rental property is unoccupied.
    • No need to call when a tenant moves out.
    • No transfer fees so long as the service goes straight from the tenant's name to yours.
    • Landlord Standby is free.
    Set Up or Manage an Agreement Online
    • Set up a new Landlord Standby Agreement
    • Manage an existing Agreement
      • Add or remove properties
      • Force off a tenant
      • Find optional authorization forms

    Property managers: please continue to send us completed forms for managed properties.

    Log in to your PNM.com account to get started.

    Email Completed Forms

    We are temporarily unable to process mailed or faxed in landlord standby forms due to statewide COVID-19 work-from-home recommendations. Please email completed forms to PNMLandlordStandby@pnm.com. Sign up for landlord standby online by logging into your PNM.com account or chat with us weekdays from 7:30 a.m until 6 p.m. for further assistance.